Friday, January 4, 2008


the rains continue to pelt around the place, and I continue to stare glumly at the Accounts book in front of me, trying to tally a balance sheet (none of my balance sheets have ever tallied in the 2 years of Accounts I have done), inhaling the redolence of wet mud and thinking why the hell did I have to grow up so fast. Couldn't I just be a kid again and eat chocolate for lunch and watch Powerpuff Girls on TV? I could read Enid Blyton and paint pictures and write fantasy stories about elves and fairies, rather than incredibly boring, realistic 'ficiton' about career, life, romance...blah blah.
Back to reality. The weather is too gloomy to put my brain in a turmoil and crack the intricacies of what appears to be a very simple Accounts sum. Or perhaps I am just too antsy at the moment and would rather prefer to run out into the streets, splash in the diry puddle, get wet, return home with a sheepish grin, and sip hot chocolate whilst I cuddle up in bed with A Secret Seven Mystery. Yes...I am absolutely passionate about The Secret Seven Mysteries. I've outgrown them long since, but they continue to remain my second favorite, after Grimms book of Fairy Tales.
I also enjoy stories by Hans Christian Anderson.
Another jolt...back to reality. I've got another 100 sums to go and an exam tomorrow and I can't believe I've slipped into my contemplative mood again. Will be a dutiful student and return to that un-tallied balance sheet now.