On the day he took his Presidential Oath, he stood facing a crowd of over a billion, ready to bring about a new revolution, to mend the blunders wreaked by the man before him, to fight against the rebelling masses of the Middle-East with his sincerity, intelligence and conviction. He carried on his shoulders, the trust reposed by the entire world who were counting on him to make the change, that change, which would diminish the sardonic repercussions of the Sub-prime crisis, which would lessen the very ideals of war, and which would free themselves from the painful clutches of Religious-fanatics, who impugn the Western countries for tarnishing scarcely agreed upon social norms. He stands as an epitome of equality, an African-American, white teeth against ebony skin—the very skin that, at that standing alludes to the end of racism. Centuries ago, when America was caught in the labyrinth of the Civil War, when slavery prevailed, and when the blacks or the “niggers”, as they were referred to with utmost disparage, were treated as vermin, no one would have imagined that one day, one of them would stand and take a step forward to bring about a new world.
A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, he worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate. A man with undisputed intelligence, wit, ambition, charm and courage. One debonair man who will definitely infuse the world with a mélange of progress and peace, who will end the menace of war, who will tread on the path to triumph with much panache and who will never bask in glory. The Muslim blood that runs in his veins shall aid in nurturing peaceful ties with the oil-exporting countries.
The world can get ready for a new start. Meanwhile, we Indians can only hope that a Barack Obama will save our country someday.