On December 31st 2007, I wished for 2008 to be a good year. At that moment, I was apprehensive about the future. I wished, with all my heart, to get into a good law school, to become what I wanted to become. I wished for opportunities. I wished for affection. I wished for contentment. Satisfaction. Nothing happened. 2008 turned out to be just the opposite of what I wanted. I got neither opportunities, nor satisfaction. I was always just filled with a hollow emptiness. A void deep down. But then, I realize, had I got everything I wanted, I wouldn't be the way I am today, now. I've learnt. Life goes out to teach us so many things, in it's own small way. So what, I didn't make it to what I considered the best law school. So what if three fourth of the population there hate me for some effed-up reason. So what if I have had to deal with so many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many MANY MANY effed up things. I now realize that this has just made me stronger. I can handle anything. Anything. I'm a surviver. I won't let anything--any detractors, affect me. I will live. Will handle things. With all the calm I can muster.
Tonight, I shall wish for nothing. I shall expect nothing. I will hope, but not expect. Expectations have never worked for me. Whatever 2009 has in store for me, I will deal with, be it good or bad.
So here's to a New Year.
A great one.